Olga Kartuzova

Research Assistant Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Studies and develops computational models for cryogenic storage tanks, and investigates zero boil-off tanks

Research Interests

Develops and validates state-of-the-art computational models for Cryogenic Fluid Management systems.
Studies multiphase flow, turbulence, spray and heat and mass transfer during pressurization and pressure control stages inside cryogenic
storage tanks under normal and reduced gravity conditions.
Supports ZBOT engineering and science teams with parametric CFD analysis to optimize the design of the Zero Boil-Off Tank (ZBOT)
microgravity experiment running aboard the International Space Station (ISS).
Collaborates on multiagency computational projects with French (CNES) and Japanese (JAXA) Space Agencies conducting CFD benchmark
studies and advancing CFD models development for in-space propulsion.